The bathroom in the van is disguised as a bench that houses a porta-potty that slides out on a little tray. Also hidden underneath the bench is my diesel heater. At the time of writing, I still have not used the toilet...emergencies only!
I relied on Sketchup again for the design. It was a really nice tool because other people had already made models of my toilet and heater, so I could ensure everything fit underneath.
Clearance was tight, but everything fits.
The toilet sits on a tray with low-friction plastic rails screwed to the bottom.
I screwed two rails to the floor of the van then filled in the gaps with rubber mat.
The last step was to install a latch and drill a hole in the side of the door. I was worried about the latch blowing through the side of the plywood since it was so thin, so I epoxied a small piece of steel on the inside of the door for reinforcement.
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